ESPPRIT Activities

Next event: Thematic Workshop | 18-19 June 2025 | Oxford, UK on "The Geography of Alternative Development Policy for Eco-Social Transformations".

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Event 1: Thematic Workshop 1 | Network Kickoff | 28 May 2024 | 9am-11am BST | online, Zoom

Theme of the event: Eco-Social Policy and Practice for Innovation and Transformation (ESPPRIT)

The workshop focused on the status quo of Regional Studies in systematically addressing regional transformations, different disciplinary approaches to the systematic reorganisation of society and the strengths and limitations of strategies promoting sustainable wellbeing.


  • Astrid Krisch, University of Oxford, UK
  • Lucas Barning, TU Wien, Austria
  • Sarah Ware, WU Wien, Austria
  • Alexander Hamedinger, TU Wien, Austria


  • Introduction by the network’s organisers
  • Keynotes by Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University, UK and Tuuli Hirvilammi, Tampere University, UK followed by Q&A
  • Opportunities to engage: Contribute research interests and expectations in participating in the network.

The event report is available on the ESPPRIT Resources page.

Theme of the event: Promoting justice for eco-social transformations in urban and regional development: perspectives from theory and practice

In this Session we will engage with the overlooked adverse implications, consequences, and outcomes of regional transformations regarding justice and societal wellbeing to better understand regional economic disparities, and alternative approaches to address the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of wellbeing.

Session Organisers:
Lucas Barning, University of Vienna, Austria
Astrid Krisch, University of Oxford, UK
Sarah Ware, WU Vienna, Austria


Event 3: Thematic Workshop 2 | 18-19 June 2025 | Oxford, UK

Theme of the event: The geography of alternative economic development policy for eco-social transformations

The workshop will focus on the role of place and space in economic development policy, asking how we can rethink economic development policy to shape an eco-social transformation and how economic, environmental, and social sustainability can be balanced within alternative economic development approaches.


  • Keynotes, moderated panel and lightning rounds of current research
  • Catered lunch and event dinner and local field trip with networking
  • Opportunities to engage: presentations of current research activities, session proposals for moderated discussion, informal networking, childcare services provided (tbc)

Event 4: Thematic Workshop 3 | October 2025 | Vienna, AT

Theme of the event: Learning from social innovation and social policy for eco-social transformation

The workshop will discuss policy instruments and policy mixes that can shape an eco-social transformation while ensuring equity and justice. We will engage in debates about how existing institutions can be reformed or new ones created to enable sustainable and equitable transformations across multiple levels and scales.


  • Keynotes and plenary discussions with local initiatives, advocacy groups and researchers
  • Catered lunch and dinner and local field trip with informal networking
  • Opportunities to engage: research pitches, session proposals for moderated discussion, informal networking, childcare services provided (tbc)

Event 5: Special Session at the RSA Annual Conference | June 2026 | location tbc

Theme of the event: Progressing theories and methodologies for transformative change

The Session will invite debates around progressive theories and methodologies to effectively inform the further development of Regional Studies, Economic Geography, and Urban and Regional Planning. It will focus on limitations, shortcomings and potentials in different approaches, showcasing empirical examples to illustrate the impact of progressive theoretical and methodological approaches on eco-social transformation.


  • Organised Special Session by the network’s organisers
  • Opportunities for engagement: Paper presentations from established and early career researchers within and beyond the network
  • Call for Contributions to be published in spring 2026

Event 6: Thematic Workshop 4 | October 2026 | Amsterdam, NL

Theme of the event: Research, policy, and practice for regional futures: Shaping and designing an eco-social transformation

This workshop will engage with the question of how governance systems at multiple levels can effectively shape eco-social transformations and drive local and regional sustainability through social innovation. We will focus on multi-level governance structures, coordination efforts, institutional mechanisms and policy frameworks to bridge governance gaps and promote collaboration among diverse stakeholders.


  • Keynotes and roundtable discussion with research, policy, and practice
  • Catered lunch and dinner with informal networking, and a local field trip
  • Opportunities to engage: research pitches, session proposals for moderated discussion, informal networking, childcare services provided (tbc)

ESPPRIT Organisers